Woody Biomass

Dead, diseased trees, brush, slash piles from local forests and private lands.

Feedstock prep

Woody biomass is chopped, dried, blended for consistency and fed to the gasifier.


Feedstock is gasified at high temps to  produce synthesis gas. The syngas is purified and reformed to produce carbon monoxide and hydrogen gases.

Converting Syngas to Liquid Fuel

Via Fischer–Tropsch chemical reaction processes, the syngas is transformed into a waxy paraffinic liquid fuel.


In the final stage, the paraffinic wax is stripped to produce a zero sulfur, high cetane synthetic diesel fuel.

Dead & diseased trees in the BLACK HILLS

Forest waste is delivered to the plant

Woody biomass is sized, fluffed & blendedf

Feedstock is fed to gasifier at high temps to produce syngas

Sold in California to maximize renewables credits
Advanced synthetic diesel is transported via rail to CA

Transformation to liquid fuel via GTL; then hydrotreated and refined
Syngas is purified and reformed to remove impurities

Forest Waste Delivered To Plant By Rail

Woody biomass is sized, fluffed & blended

Feedstock is fed to gasifier at high temps to produce syngas

Syngas is purified and reformed to remove impurities

Transformation to liquid fuel via GTL; then hydrotreated and refined

Sustainable Jet Fuel Transported via rail to Colo and WY airports

Cleaner Rocky Mountain Skies Coming to you Soon

EcoTech Biofuels